A short post this week as most of my energy has been spent on my photography lately. I hope you are all getting out into nature, doing something nice for your neighbor and enjoying this gorgeous spring.
Lately I’ve been thinking about the kind of advice I would give to my 20 year old self. I didn’t think this would turn into a blog post, but I figured we all have at least one thing we’d want to tell our younger selves if we could. Here is what I would tell my 20 year old self:
- Don’t stop doing the things you love.
- Focus on loving yourself instead of seeking approval from those around you.
- Give yourself more credit. This isn’t a competition. Slow down.
- Trust your intuition.
- Progress over perfection.
- Stop spending so much money on dumb sh*t! Buy more T$LA!
- Rest without feeling guilty. You deserve it.
- Start a workout program and stop trying to freestyle it at the gym.
- Don’t stop drinking coffee. Even the extra hours of incredibly deep sleep is not worth it.
- Stop holding back the things you want to say. Take up more space.
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