Our energy is what makes us who we are. It’s why we practice self care and strive for self love. Without energy, we are unable to contribute time to ourselves, the people and things we love. If you find that you are off track or remain stagnant, there are likely energy vampires in your life. Here are a few unexpected ones:
Trying to share your vibe
Have you ever spent some time alone doing something you enjoy and find yourself feeling extra happy? Everything in that moment just seems to be in perfect alignment, and then boom- the first thing you do is try to grab the nearest kin to have them share in your moment? Yeah, don’t do that.
Enjoy your moments alone sometimes. You risk the possibility of someone on a whole other vibrational level intermingling with yours and your moment just isn’t yours anymore. Steal some moments of joy for yourself, please.
Imagine how much better the world would be if we were all a little bit happier.
Repeating ineffective habits
Another way we spend unnecessary energy is from repeating habits that simply do not contribute to our greater good.
For example, scrolling through social media first thing in the morning can set a tone that lacks productivity for the rest of the day. If you know this, but still continue to do it anyway then you are self sabotaging your growth as a human being.
Getting stuck in this stagnant cycle will drain your energy more than you know. It’s important we replace broken habits with habits that work.
Your inability to say no
Showing up to places, events or functions you were just not wanting to is one way to run yourself dry of energy. I’ve lost track of the number of times I found myself at a place where I just wasn’t feeling it. This was during a time I chronically ignored my own needs in order to show up for others.
It’s okay to say no if you’re not feeling up for it. And don’t lie about it, be honest. “Hey [whoever], I really hate to do this, but I’m just not feeling up for it this time.” That’s it. Most people will understand. We aren’t meant to be at 100% every single day.
If you aren’t feeling 100% then how are you going to fully show up and be the best version of yourself? I know that I can’t. And lately I’ve gotten used to just saying no in the most graceful way. It’s never because I don’t actually want to see or hang out with that person and I’m thankful the people in my life are understanding and supportive of this.
If any, what are the energy vampires in your life that you’ve identified? Let me know in the comments below.
Thanks so much for reading!
Love & Light,
Cindy Natalia
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